Investigative journalist Jane Deith works on a variety of high profile programmes including the BBC's flagship documentary programme, File on 4.
Digging deeper
I present BBC Radio 4's flagship documentary programme File on 4. Working with one of the best teams in investigative journalism today, it's my chance to work on in-depth investigations and tell some extraordinary stories.
Generation K: Kids on Ketamine
File on 4 Investigates goes to Burnley in Lancashire to meet the devastated families dealing with ketamine addiction and its life-changing impact.
BBC News In Depth - The disturbing rise of ketamine abuse among young people
Back street beauty: investigating the cosmetic industry after the first death in the UK following a liquid Brazilian butt lift
I meet the women who’ve been disfigured by cosmetic procedures, and find out why existing regulation is struggling to keep up with the industry. And a beauty salon in London is exposed for the first time by a trainee who’s horrified by what she witnesses.
BBC News Online - Women claim injury and disfigurement after liposuction
Daily Mail - Legal loophole that means anyone can perform surgery
Sick of waiting: the children struggling to get operations on the NHS
In the headlines about NHS waiting lists, children don’t often get a mention. But there’s a gap between adult and paediatric surgery - with children’s operations lagging behind.
I investigate why, and hear from children whose conditions are deteriorating. Some could be left inoperable if they don’t have their surgery soon.
BBC News Online: Record numbers of children going private as others face long NHS waits.
No place to call home
142,000 children in England are homeless and living in what should be short term temporary accommodation. Many find themselves consigned to B&Bs and hotels - even shipping containers – some without a bed of their own, living among rats and cockroaches.
Tens of thousands will be there for more than five years. In this programme, children and teenagers describe how a system which is meant to be a safety net, has become a trap they can’t escape.
Wilko Town
No area has been harder hit by the collapse of retailer Wilko than Worksop in Nottinghamshire. File on 4 follows former staff as they attempt to claw their way back into work.
Firefighters on trial
File on 4 investigates claims of sexism, bullying and abuse in the fire service. Is it time for radical reform of the emergency service?
High anxiety: the deadly trade in street valium
The illegal benzodiazepines behind a rise in overdose deaths across the country.
Searching questions
Why are a disproportionate number of black and mixed race children being strip searched?
BBC News Online - Teenage girl traumatised after police strip search, says mum
Guardian - Watchdog investigates third Met police strip search of a child
Deadly delays: The ambulance crisis
Record ambulance delays mean some patients are dying waiting for help to arrive
BBC News Online - ‘Son shares desperate 999 calls’
Mental health profiteers: The dark world of online anxiety ‘cures’
File on 4 investigates the rogue online operators charging thousands to ‘cure’ anxiety
Covid 19 - Doctors and deniers
Diaries of those trying to save Covid patients in January 2021
A year of Covid
How have the ICU doctors and nurses coped since we first heard their diaries last spring?
Coronavirus: The long road to recovery
After Covid 19, the survivors struggling with the life-changing physical and psychological effects.
BBC News Online - Long Covid patients need treatment programme, say doctors
Daily Mail - 60,000 Britons may have had Long Covid for more than three months
Guardian - Danger Long Covid sufferers might end up being forgotten
Coronavirus: The care homes catastrophe
Did the authorities react quickly enough to the threat to care homes from Covid 19?
BBC News Online - Data delay left care homes ‘fighting losing battle’
Coronavirus: Stories from behind the mask
Candid diaries of doctors and nurses recorded over two months of the pandemic
Lost on the line
The county lines gangs recruiting girls
BBC News Online - ‘Girls under the radar’ in drugs gangs
Winging it?
Why is the military’s flying training system struggling to get off the ground?
Dying on the streets
Why are rough sleepers are being denied end of life care - despite being diagnosed as terminally ill?
Paralympic sport - fair play?
Are some countries cheating the paralympic classification system in the pursuit of medals?
BBC Sport Online - 'Everyone is cheating the system', says former chief executive
BBC Sport Online - 'It's somewhere between bullying and control' - Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson
Breaking into Britain
An expose of firms offering to produce fake documents to enable migrants to get into the UK.
Linked article: BBC News Online - Exclusive: Thousands use fake lives scam to get into UK
Linked article: The Independent - Thousands 'pretending' to live in Ireland
Dirty oil?
Did UK firms win multi-million pound oil contracts through bribes to corrupt officials?
Keeping it in the family
Placing children with relatives as an alternative to adoption. Does it always work?
An inside job
The Britons smuggling illegal migrants into the UK.
Ticket to hide
How migrants cross borders under the radar.
Linked article: BBC News online - Exclusive: British people smugglers jailed in France.
Sick of school
Why are so many teachers off with stress?
Where have all the nurses gone?
Uncovering the reasons for the shortage of nurses and the cost of plugging the gap.
Abused but not heard
The real story of Knowl View special school for boys in Rochdale.
Linked article: BBC News online - Double abuse agony for Rochdale family.
Street slaves
How the homeless are exploited for cheap labour.
RBS: default by design?
Asking whether RBS profited by forcing some viable businesses into insolvency.
Tobacco: the lobbyists.
Tobacco tactics inside Westminster and Brussels - and the alleged corruption scandal which some say could have brought down the European Commission.
Rochdale abuse: failed victims?
Exclusive interview with a police whistleblower claiming a major child grooming case failed victims.
Undercover cops.
Exclusive interviews with the women suing the Metropolitan police after they were tricked into long-standing relationships with undercover officers.
A healthy market?
NHS commissioning. What do we know about the deals struck with private companies to run parts of the NHS?
Linked article: BBC News Online - NHS Commissioning
Family annihilation.
What drives fathers to kill their families and themselves?